Girl Scouts Junior Music Badge ​
A fun filled three hour workshop exploring the science behind music, what is sound, instruments around the world, how artists write songs. Scouts will learn to play either piano, kalimba, or harmonica.
Class cost:
per scout $12
per adult $ 0
Instrument (optional) Harmonica $10
Kalimba $20 (colors:pink/red, blue, green, purple, yellow, orange)
Note: kalimbas(thumb pianos) are available in class for learning, but harmonicas must be purchased. Instrument orders must be submitted 3 weeks prior to start of workshop. We use an 8 note Kalimba and 10 hole Harmonica Key C
For questions or additional detail, please email: mimusicshapes@gmail.com
Upcoming 2024 Workshop Dates (Dates and Times may be changed based on venue availability)
NO Pre-planned workshops to show.
Contact us if you are interested in a Music Badge workshop for your Troop!
Pre -planned workshops will be added as they become known.
Sign up and join the fun today !
1. Select Scout + instrument in first drop down menu
2. Select your class date in next drop down menu.
3. Enter Kalimba color if purchased
4. Enter Scout's name.
5. Click on the Buy Now button.
Photo approval form will be emailed to you.
If signing up a Troop and wish to use a check, please email us
THANK YOU! we can't wait to meet you!