Music shapes

Passionate About Inspiring Others
Thank you for visiting Music Shapes and for being curious about learning more! We are a newly formed non profit organization based in Oakland County Michigan. Our mission is to inspire children and communities to get involved with music; we are doing this by exploring music through both art and science.
Music Shapes was created as a culmination of the founder's love of art, music, engineering, and helping others. Each of us has our own personal meaning of music, how it makes us think and feel; how it shapes our mood, our mindset. Musical instruments are a thing of beauty, art, and science in their own right. Music invites involvement as the joy of making music. Music also creates curiosity for exploring how instruments work. Music is Art! Music is Science! Experiencing the joy of music as a young person is is a great accomplishment that clings to your mind and leaves an impression throughout your life. All children should have this opportunity!
Music inspires! It can change the mood of a room in an instant! But look closely from where the noise is coming. How do the instruments work and make noise? What are instruments made of, what makes instruments sound different? Music Shapes wants to provide opportunity for the less fortunate to experience music and to explore it through art and science.
The Music Shapes staff is a small team made up of volunteers. Our members have backgrounds in Mechanical Engineering, Teaching, Piano, Violin. Several members are also Piano Technicians. We strongly support that music is a great contributor in the development of a child's mental and social skills. Many schools have found the need to reduce or eliminate music programs. Music Shapes can help fill that gap.
Music Shapes offers three programs:
1. Presentations on Music: Explore Music as Art and Science
2. Introductory Music Lessons at reduced rates
3. Round Peg: Instrument Donation Matching program
Our programs are targeted towards the support of other non profits for the betterment of children and communities. More detail of the programs can be found by clicking on the Program button at the top of the page.
Thank you again for your interest in Music Shapes! We greatly appreciate your support. If you know of an organization who might be interested in Music Shapes' programs, please share this with them; and let us know too!

